Ancient cultures worldwide universally held the view that everything in the world around us is animated by a living spirit. This viewpoint, called animism, teaches us that plants, animals, trees, stones, rivers and mountains all have a unique spirit or consciousness that animates them. When we connect with the living spirits of the plant realm, we find a diverse community of healers and wisdom keepers just waiting to share their gifts.
Plants are more than just the sum of their biological components, and when we invite the wholeness of a plant into ourselves, we unlock greater potential for healing on all levels: our physical bodies, mind, emotions, and spiritual energy.
The Awakened Earth path focuses on connecting with plant medicines through a holistic approach where the spirit of the plant is not separated from the body. We honor the living consciousness and frequency of a plant as essential medicine.
Beyond medicine for our bodies or even our minds, we engage with plants as wise and responsive healers who teach our bodies and spirits how to heal. We acknowledge the spiritual wisdom of plants and their capacity to act as teachers when we learn to listen. We honor plants for their support, alliance and companionship. We delight to engage with plants not only when we are seeking medicine, but as cherished parts of our more-than-human families and communities.
Ceremony and ritual are ways in which we invite communication and deeper relationship with our plant allies. When we enter a ceremony, we offer our willingness to heal, receive and transform through communion with the plants.
Ceremony is created through prayer and intention combined with ritual elements that maintain a safe and reverent space while opening lines of communication with the unseen world. Our ceremonies incorporate traditional aspects learned through years of study woven together with plant-led intuitive elements to create unique and fluid containers for intentional spiritual healing and journeywork.
The gifts of healing and wisdom that we receive during ceremony may be profound. Yet much of the true value of the medicine path is about cultivating a ceremonial lifestyle in which we maintain reverence and intention throughout our daily lives. In this way we may receive our life experiences as opportunities for growth and illumination, just as we would in ceremony. Medicine ceremonies are a microcosm of the greater ceremony that is life.
Plant attunements (also known as "master plant dietas") are a special form of plant spirit relationship in which the energy of a person is intentionally attuned, or aligned, to the frequency of a plant through dedicated spiritual practice over a period of time.
We enter into this type of relationship with a plant in order to receive deep healing, spiritual healing or shamanic apprenticeship and profound personal transformation. The committed practice of an attunement often births life-long companionship and allows the person to embody the medicine of the plant.
Plant attunement is a process of reception, self-exploration and living in symbiotic relationship. A special portal of communion is opened and maintained to facilitate the attunement process, and the frequency of the plant is received in the body and spirit of the initiate. It is a spiritual merging, a divine union between person and plant.